Head Office: Level 1/254 Brighton Road, Somerton Park SA 5044

Understanding Boundaries

Step 1 of 4

A Guide to Professional Boundaries for Mentors and Support Workers

Understanding the chain of communication and where we fit into the bigger picture of a client’s NDIS funded circle of support

The NDIS Hierarchy

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS):
is run by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). It exists to provide funding to eligible individuals that are living with a significant disability, for using on services and support that relates to their disability and to assist the participant in achieving their goals.

Local Area Coordinator (LAC):
LACs are the main point of contact between the NDIS and the participant. They help to develop, manage and review NDIS plans, and inform participants about support available in their community. LACs have a very large caseload of participants that they coordinate.

Support Coordinator (SC):
Some NDIS plans include funding for a Support Coordinator. SCs help to interpret what the plan means and how to use funding appropriately to achieve the participant’s goals. They also assist with organising and accessing NDIS approved supports and services.

The amount of contact a participant has with their SC will depend on the amount of funding allocated to support coordination. (note: every participant has an LAC but not all participants have a Support Coordinator).

NDIS Participant/Client:
At the centre is the participant, our client. They have an NDIS plan which outlines their approved short and long term goals, the funding they have been allocated to achieve these goals, and the services they are approved to spend this funding on.

Participants have choice and control over who they work with and how they receive support. They do not have to use any provider that they do not feel satisfied or comfortable with.

NDIS Funded Service Providers:
This is the category Creativ Minds falls under. Creativ Minds management work alongside the Allied Health Team, which may consist of Developmental Educators, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Physiotherapists etc.

A participant’s Support Coordinator may set up service team meetings to ensure that our services are all mutually beneficial and working towards the same goals, and to discuss ways for us to implement Allied Health reports and recommendations into our support.

Support Workers and Mentors (you!)
It is the role of your management team to communicate with the other members in the participant’s circle of support. Support Workers and Mentors must adhere to the chain of communication and not be in direct contact with other service providers, coordinators or carers/family members.

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